
Sodreuca selaicremoc o Acuerdos Comerciales

Si, han leído bien, Sodreuca selaicremoc, esa es la forma en la cual los empresarios académicos y dirigentes de nuestro país leen los acuerdos comerciales, al revés. Eso no tiene nada malo sino repercutiera en La economía de las regiones o más directamente en la vocación industrial o de sectores en particular. Ahora bien, haciendo una comparación con algo cotidiano, podríamos imaginar una bicicleta de aquellas que utilizan los grandes corredores del tour de Francia o alguna carrera de prestigio, se diría que es un aparato liviano, sofisticado, con toda la tecnología del siglo XXI, Ésa misma bicicleta podría ser un Tratado de Libre Comercio, un TLC bien negociado con todas las características que le permitieran a un país como Colombia llegar algún día al podio del desarrollo económico pleno. Pero la realidad es otra, encontramos que esa bicicleta está ahí, pero nosotros lo que estamos visualizando es un triciclo y nos conformamos con montar un pequeño aparato que no sirv...

La miopía Internacional de Colombia

Pareciera que los temas internacionales en Colombia fueran algo relativamente nuevo, no es para sorprendernos que disciplinas tan importantes para el desarrollo de un país, no sean consideradas en la transformación de realidades económicas en naciones como la nuestra. Las relaciones internacionales, la diplomacia, la geopolítica, la geoestrategia, la negociación internacional, las finanzas, la logística, el mercadeo, la cooperación y, en fin, un sin número de disciplinas que son la base de las relaciones políticas y económicas con el mundo, en nuestro país existen únicamente en el papel, el manejo que se le da a estas desde distintos frentes, depende en gran medida de los políticos de turno y de lo que traen en su equipaje electoral. Si existiera una fuente de promesas y realidades a medias, habría que acudir a muchos planes de desarrollo regionales, a planes o a políticas de Estado a corto plazo. No es de extrañar que un dólar arriba de los 3.000 pesos no sea aprovecha...


Qué son Negocios Internacionales? Traducido por el autor, tomado del texto International Business, The new realities. Escrito por S. Tamer Cavusgi, Gary Knight and John Riesenberger (Prentice Hall, 2011).   UN DÍA COMÚN EN LA ECONOMÍA GLOBAL  Julie es una estudiante de negocios, el pasado sábado ella fue de compras a una tienda local. Primero ella ordenó un gran desayuno, desprevenida que la mayoría su comida era importada del extranjero: tocino de España, jugo de Brasil y yogur de una marca francesa. Julie después se acercó a la tienda por departamentos a comprar el regalo para su padre, ella revisó corbatas de marcas Francesas e Italianas y otras hechas en China y Rumania, también consideró afeitadoras eléctricas hechas por Braun (una marca Alemana) y Philips (una marca Holandesa). Ella eventualmente compró una Panasonic, una marca Japonesa. Luego ella se dirigió al mostrador de perfumes, donde se probó varias marcas incluyendo Chanel de Francia, French connec...


One of the best definitions of International business is the one provided by the text "International Business. The New realities" by S. Tamer Cavusgi, Gary Knight and John Riesenberger (Prentice Hall, 2011). It is just about one page but it is an excellent story to introduce the topic to Junior students of International Business, I hope you enjoy it: A TYPICAL DAY IN THE GLOBAL ECONOMY Julie Valentine is a college junior majoring in business. On a recent Saturday, she went shopping at a local mall. First, she ordered a big breakfast, unaware that most of her meal was imported from abroad: bacon from Spain, juice from Brazil, French-branded yogurt. Julie then headed to the department store to buy a gift for her father. She perused neckties with Italian and French brand names, and others made in China and Romania. She also considered electric shavers made by Braun (a German brand) and Philips (a Dutch brand). She eventually bought a Panasonic (a Japanese brand). Next, she...


To talk about international relations, we must go back Centuries ago when different regions had political relations and also commercial ones without all the regulations that we know Nowadays. To know the dynamics of those remote Imperial ages, we can take into account as reference the simulations or games that most of us have played at least once in a life time, some years ago there was a title created by Microsoft that showed the stages of world development and how different cultures interacted and got expertise in terms of production, knowledge, science among others. I remember I played the age of empires saga when I was a college student for several hours a day, it surely helped me to become an international professional or at least to spend some hours on a Sunday evening trying to avoid my duties for the following week. But let’s go back to international relations, as it takes relevance in the 17th century with a fact that has marked world history at that time and Fostered inter...


To talk about China and India we have to think first in their population that locate those two countries as a big part of the world. China and India have characterized for their growing population and because they have been considered two countries that in the XXI century, have taken more and more relevance due to their high economic growth. Parallel with the high Demographic growth the two countries have many things in common, factors like the production and manufacturing for many remarkable brands, offshoring and outsourcing for western companies is a growing tendency in the current century. Both countries still have to struggle with their past, in the case of China, its insertion to the world after the revolution, the distribution of wealth, the social services, pollution vs industrialization, the quality of its products that become a downside when appraising the country and in the case of India, the integration of rural and urban areas, the balance of prosperity vs wellbeing, issu...


There is a growing debate between supporters of developed markets and supporters of emerging ones as alternatives for investment if the global market. The attractive of emerging markets is represented by its population and labor force, one the other hand, the attractive of developed nations comes from its instability in policies and tradition. If we study a little bit more the attractive of emerging markets, we find that they have a huge demography but at the same time, it is not a warranty of cultural matching, how many times do we hear entrepreneurs or politicians say: “we are going to make millions of Chinese consume our products” is this warranty that tastes are going to be similar to the ones that are being offered or sold at that particular moment? in my point of view, this aspect goes through different variables: the kind of product, the company, the objectives and the degree of commitment towards internationalization and other aspects of the external environment such as ...