To talk about international relations, we must go back Centuries ago when different regions had political relations and also commercial ones without all the regulations that we know Nowadays. To know the dynamics of those remote Imperial ages, we can take into account as reference the simulations or games that most of us have played at least once in a life time, some years ago there was a title created by Microsoft that showed the stages of world development and how different cultures interacted and got expertise in terms of production, knowledge, science among others. I remember I played the age of empires saga when I was a college student for several hours a day, it surely helped me to become an international professional or at least to spend some hours on a Sunday evening trying to avoid my duties for the following week. But let’s go back to international relations, as it takes relevance in the 17th century with a fact that has marked world history at that time and Fostered international relations as a relevant discipline in our time, that fact is the 30-year war. Several versions assume that it started as a religious Conflict but also It is related to borders in Europe and supremacy. Different countries that we know nowadays like France, Germany or Spain, didn't have their borders so established at that time or the geography was so different to what we know like the actual Europe. The different parties were struggling with borders, ideology, religion and supremacy in Europe, but what is more important is the result of that process in which international relations were strengthened and diplomacy took relevance to set concept of sovereignty and nation. The war ended in 1648 and the peace treaty was signed in Westphalia. Furthermore, in the XX century, many facts happened to help international relations to be fostered as a discipline, one of them is the establishment of international relations as a subject in academic centers and Universities, which opens A huge door for knowledge, texts and academics to contribute to the formation of the discipline. There are also more historical events in the XX century like the world wars or the cold war that empowered international relations among countries and the role of diplomacy takes more relevance. Characters Like Henry Kissinger helped to establish the importance of international relations when planning policies, so most governments are fully aware of its position in today’s world, we cannot conceive the world without diplomatic relations, cooperation, trade and some other topics that make International relations more necessary and relevant.


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